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About the UGRC

Who is the UGRC

UGRC is the state's map technology coordination office. We aggregate and make available important statewide data sets (e.g. roads, address points) to the public and for government systems; engage and advise on GIS implementations and best practices; and build custom tools, services, and applications for all levels of government throughout the state to improve their business processes by integrating spatial data.

Our Mission

The mission of UGRC is to encourage and facilitate the effective use of geospatial information and technology for Utah. The Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC) provides a wide range of Geographic Information System (GIS) and other geospatial support services. UGRC strives to ensure a high level of coordination among Utah GIS users and effective, efficient use of GIS resources. Other services include stewardship of the State Geographic Information Datasource (SGID), facilitation of programs and activities to implement GIS technology across the state, and coordination of GIS policy development and implementation activities. UGRC also provides consulting services to federal, state, and local government and other organizations, including GIS analysis and application development, and map and web service development and hosting.

a person sitting in a char using a computer to work with maps and data

What we do

Hear Matt explain what we do

Our vision

UGRC is a source for reliable and authoritative geospatial data and provider of seamless GIS integrations throughout state government and the Utah GIS community.

Our History

UGRC was one of the first geospatial information offices in the country, established a few years before its formal adoption in code in 1984. After many years, our storefront remains located at the intersection of geography, technology, and the quest for enterprise-wide efficiency.

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