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FFSL Launches New Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal

Author · Buck Ehler
Published · Oct 31, 2016
Last modified · Mar 20, 2024
Category · Guest Blog
Read time · 1 min

Earlier this summer, The Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands, opens in a new tab launched a new Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal (uWRAP) to educate and inform the public and land management professionals. The portal assesses the users location or area of interest and provides general and/or detailed information about the wildfire risks associated with a location or area.

There is a public and a professional viewer. The public viewer provides unregistered access to the site and gives the user basic information about their location of interest. The professional viewer maintains the same functionality as the public viewer, and adds a few more GIS layers and the ability to build an area of interest multiple ways. Once an area of interest is created, a detailed report of the wildfire threats and risks can be exported as well as a file geodatabase of all the GIS layers used for that area in the WRAP.

Please visit, opens in a new tab to learn more about this new tool. If you are interested in the professional portal for your county, municipality, or other GIS needs, please register for an account and the administrators will get you set up.