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Currently displaying: Erik Neemann
Utah SGID Statewide Roads Data Layer Updates (1 min)
UGRC recently completed updates to the SGID Roads data layer. Please visit our Roads and Highway System data page where you will find information about the Roads data model, as well as a web service l
Utah SGID Statewide Roads Data Layer Updates (2 min)
Results Update: Detecting Cooling Towers with Computer Vision Tools (4 min)
If you were at the 2023 Utah Geographic Information Council (UGIC) Conference in May, you remember that I presented on Generating Useful Data with Computer Vision Tools. But my second use case, detec
Introducing UGRCodes (3 min)
Are you tired of fighting with esoteric municipal FIPS codes? Have you even tried using them? It's not easy and it's certainly not intuitive. Five digit integer codes with minimal consistency and cont
A Brief Tutorial on Exploring the Open SGID with Open Source Python Tools (7 min)
The accompanying Python Notebook for this blog post can be found here on Google Colab.The Open SGIDThe introduction of the Open SGID has opened the door for new ways to explore Utah's GIS data. Before
Automating Next-Generation 911 Law Enforcement Boundaries (3 min)
UGRC has created a Python script for law enforcement boundaries that automatically builds jurisdiction polygons based on existing boundaries (primarily county and municipal boundaries) in the State Ge