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Currently displaying: Jessie Pechmann
Transitioning to a New World, ArcPro (5 min)
I have spent the last 4 months learning and using ArcPro while also learning a new job (see the end of this post). Like many of my fellow GIS users, I was hesitant to make the leap into the unknown af
The Earth is Not Round! Utah, NAD83 and Web Mercator Projections (4 min)
GIS users working on statewide projects in Utah need to know the specifics of three primary coordinate systems: Geographic (latitude/longitude), UTM NAD83, and WebMercator. coordinates use latitude an
Big Happenings with Public Land Survey System GIS (4 min)
Good things are happening in Utah regarding the Public Land Survey System (PLSS), also known as the township, range, and section grid, which forms the foundation for GIS map representations of public