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Currently displaying: maps
Mapping Utah's Housing Affordability (4 min)
Utahns are feeling the squeeze, and there's data to back it up. Housing affordability has become the top concern for residents, according to a recent 2024 Utah Foundation survey.That’s not surprising,
GIS as a Tool for Addressing Intergenerational Poverty (3 min)
Poverty and PlaceWe now know that poverty and place are connected. Numerous studies point to evidence showing that place matters a great deal to an individual’s economic outlook. This is particularly
Taking a Closer Look at Election Results - Using GIS to Paint the Political Landscape (4 min)
You've probably heard the saying, there are many ways to peel an orange. Similarly, you've likely noticed, there are many ways to display election results. In this post, we'll take a closer look at ho
Cognitive Maps - The Science Behind our Brain’s Internal Mapping and Navigation System (13 min)
I bet you remember where you were on the morning of September 11th, 2001 when you heard the news. I’d venture to say that you also remember the city, state, and room that you were standing in. But why