UGRC participates in a wide variety of conferences and events at the local, state, and national levels. We focus on GIS technology, geospatial data and solutions, information technology and development, and other related subjects. We hope you'll join us at these events!
Maps on the Hill
Maps on the Hill, better known as MOTH, is a free annual event in the Utah State Capitol Rotunda that is coordinated by UGRC and sponsored by UGIC. This is an excellent opportunity for students and professionals to showcase their work with elected officials and the general public. Our goal is to share how current mapping technology is being applied to important issues across a wide range of disciplines in all levels of government, the private sector, and higher education.

UGIC Conference
The annual Utah Geographic Information Council conference is the premier Utah GIS event, held each year in wide variety of exciting locations in the great State of Utah. From seasoned GIS professionals to new and upcoming students, this conference provides an opportunity to grow your GIS knowledge base and expand your networking reach. Geospatial experts give workshops and presentations that are guaranteed to elevate your GIS knowledge in our rapidly changing field. The event is packed full of great presentations, workshops, vendors, and opportunities to advance your GIS skills and learn from other GIS professionals.

NSGIC Conference and Midyear Meetings
The National States Geographic Information Council hosts two events each year: an annual conference and a midyear meeting. These events draw key decision-makers from US states for the chance to connect, collaborate, and share with colleagues and partners from state and federal offices, industry, and other geospatial organizations. As the State of Utah's GIS and map technology office, UGRC represents Utah as NSGIC member at these annual events.

Esri UC and Dev Summit
Esri is a GIS software company with a global reach whose goal is to advance the power of geography for business, government, and society. Their annual User Conferences and Developer Summits provide opportunities to “join a collaborative user community of forward-thinking geographic information system (GIS) professionals discovering new insights, sharing innovative best practices, and learning about the latest geospatial technology.” As users of Esri software, UGRC employees rotate attendance at these events to give our staff the chance to present our work, ask questions, hear from industry colleagues, and apply what they learn to our mission of improving GIS in Utah.

OpenStreetMap State of the Map US
OpenStreetMap is the free, editable map of the world. OpenStreetMap US is a nonprofit organization helping to support and grow the project here in the US. The State of the Map US conference includes presentations, workshops, and other events to connect with mappers, businesses, government agencies, and nonprofits. Share your vision for the project, learn how to work with OpenStreetMap data, and hack on the latest mapping improvements.
NACIS Annual Meeting
The primary objective of the North American Cartographic Information Society is to "improve communication, coordination and cooperation among the producers, disseminators, curators, and users of cartographic information". The NACIS Annual Meeting is a casual and friendly atmosphere for cartographers from the gamut of the mapping community to join together, learn, share ideas, and find others with similar cartographic passions via presentations, panels, workshops, and field trips. UGRC occasionally sends one of our master cartographers to these meetings as time and budget allow.

JavaScript Engineers of Utah Conference and events
The JavaScript Engineers of Utah, or UtahJS, is a community focused on learning about and promoting knowledge of JavaScript. There are a variety of communication channels and regular meet-ups, culminating in an annual conference. We use JavaScript for custom tool, process, and application development, so our developers stay connected with the UtahJS community and often attend the annual conference.

FOSS4G Annual International Gathering
FOSS4G means Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial. Organized by The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo), the FOSS4G Annual International Gathering brings together developers, users, decision-makers and observers from a broad spectrum of organizations and fields of operations. This event has workshops, presentations, discussions, and cooperation to create effective and relevant geospatial products, standards, and protocols. UGRC tries to send at least one staff member to the gathering when it is held within the United States.