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SGID boundaries data


The boundaries data index

To view all boundaries data from stewards besides UGRC, search the SGID Index.

BLM Wilderness Study Areas for Utah

Polygon GIS data

All of the BLM Wilderness Study Area polygons.
Stewards: UGRC & BLM

Utah Conservation Districts

Polygon GIS data

Soil conservation district boundaries in Utah.
Steward: Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF)

Utah Conservation Zones

Polygon GIS data

Soil conservation zone boundaries in Utah.
Steward: Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF)

Utah County Boundaries

Polygon GIS data

A multi-purpose statewide dataset of Utah's 29 county boundaries for cartography and approximate boundary identification.
Stewards: UGRC & Lieutenant Governor's Office

Utah GSL Sentinel Landscape Boundary

Polygon GIS data

The federally established boundary identifying the area of the Great Salt Lake Sentinel Landscape.
Steward: Department of Veterans Affairs

Utah Land Ownership

Polygon GIS data

The official State of Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration surface land ownership data.
Stewards: School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA) & BLM & Partners

Utah Municipal Boundaries

Polygon GIS data

A multi-purpose statewide dataset of city boundaries for cartography and approximate boundary identification.
Stewards: UGRC & Lieutenant Governor's Office

Utah Parcels

Polygon GIS data

Parcel boundary and Land Information Records (LIR) for counties in Utah.
Stewards: UGRC & Local government

Utah School District Boundaries

Polygon GIS data

School district boundaries in Utah.
Stewards: UGRC & Lieutenant Governor's Office

Utah State Boundary

Polygon GIS data

Represents the boundary of the State of Utah and a mask polygon to hide everything outside of Utah.
Stewards: UGRC & Lieutenant Governor's Office

Utah USFS Roadless Inventory

Polygon GIS data

All the National Forest Inventoried Roadless Area (IRA) polygons.
Stewards: UGRC & USFS

Utah Wilderness Areas

Polygon GIS data

BLM and USFS wilderness areas of Utah.
Stewards: UGRC & BLM & NLCS

Utah Wilderness BLM 98 Reinventory

Polygon GIS data

The 1998 Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wilderness Characteristics Inventory.
Stewards: UGRC & BLM & USFS

Utah Wilderness BLM Suitability

Polygon GIS data

The WSAs or portions of WSAs that were recommended to Congress as suitable for wilderness designation.
Stewards: UGRC & BLM & USFS

Utah ZIP Code Areas

Polygon GIS data

The estimated geographic extents for all five digit ZIP codes in Utah that are not P.O. box only.
Steward: UGRC