The environment data index
To view all environment data from stewards besides UGRC, search the SGID Index.
Utah DAQ Air Emissions Inventory
Point GIS data
Facility locations and annual emissions (in tons) for pollutants in Utah.
Steward: DEQ DAQ
Utah DEQ Brownfields Other
Point GIS data
Brownfields not targeted for cleanup.
Steward: DEQ DERR
Utah DEQ Brownfields Targeted
Point GIS data
Brownfields targeted for cleanup.
Steward: DEQ DERR
Point GIS data
Locations of potential EPA Superfund sites.
Steward: DEQ DERR
Utah DEQ CERCLA National Priorities List
Point GIS data
Locations of Utah National Priorities List (NPL) sites.
Steward: DEQ DERR
Utah DEQ Enforceable Written Assurances
Point GIS data
Locations of potential Enforceable Written Assurance sites.
Steward: DEQ DERR
Utah DEQ Environmental Covenant Buffer Zones
Polygon GIS data
Locations of Institutional Control Buffer Zones.
Steward: DEQ DERR
Utah DEQ Formerly Used Defense
Point GIS data
Locations of potential Formerly used defense sites.
Stewards: DEQ & FUDS
Utah DEQ Military Munition Response Program
Point GIS data
Locations of Military Munitions Response Program sites.
Stewards: DEQ DERR & MMRP
Point GIS data
Locations of Tier II facilities under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).
Steward: DEQ DERR
Utah DEQ Toxic Release Inventory
Point GIS data
Locations of Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) in Utah.
Steward: DEQ DERR
Utah DEQ Voluntary Cleanup Program
Point GIS data
Locations of voluntary cleanup sites in Utah.
Steward: DEQ DERR
Utah DWQ Groundwater Permits
Point GIS data
Locations of Division of Water Quality groundwater permits and associated permit information including permittee names, address, and permit type.
Steward: DEQ DWQ
Utah Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities
Point GIS data
Utah facility information for each petroleum storage tank (PST). This is the facility where the storage tanks are located.
Steward: DEQ DERR
Utah Water Related Land Use
Polygon GIS data
Water usage-related data (irrigated crops, phreatophytes, wet/open water areas, dry land agriculture and residential/industrial areas).
Steward: DNR DWRe