What is the SGID
The SGID aims to be the primary source for state-wide GIS data in Utah by creating a single portal to datasets from many different agencies and organizations. With such a broad scope, SGID datasets live in many different places depending on their type, availability, and popularity.
Data Categories
Our SGID datasets are organized into 27 categories, such as Boundaries, Cadastre, Elevation & Terrain, or Water to name just a few. Each one contains related datasets to help you find what you need and discover related datasets you might not have known about. These categories are separate schemas within the Open SGID and separate groups in the SGID on ArcGIS.
SGID Index
The SGID Index is the primary listing of SGID datasets. It includes links to detailed information pages about UGRC-maintained datasets as well as direct links to the authoritative sources for datasets served by other state agencies. It lists the resource's category, name, and primary data steward, along with a short description of the resource and links to web services (if available).
Popular resources
Address data
"Where" often begins with addresses
Aerial photos
See the world from above
Base maps
Use our beautiful base maps to quickly add a great background for your data
Topo maps
Who doesn't love a classic USGS topo map?
From "how close am I to the county line?" to "where do I vote?", boundaries shape our lives
Did you know we get parcel data from every county?
Land ownership
National Forests and Parks for everyone!
We can't tell you why the chicken crossed the road, but we can tell you which road it crossed
More resources
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Contributing to the SGID
If you are a steward of Utah GIS data layers, you can get the best return on your hard work and investment by sharing your data far and wide through the SGID.
UGRC Shelf
This where we store data that are no longer current but continue to have historical value (e.g., Census/ACS data or previous tax district boundaries).
Department of Natural Resources' Data Portal
Explore spatial data relevant to Utah's aquatic and terrestrial wildlife distributions, habitats, and management.
Department of Environmental Quality Data Portal
Explore spatial data relevant to safeguarding and improving Utah's air, land, and water through balanced regulation.