The National State Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) exists to
- 1) Promote statewide geospatial coordination activities in all states
- 2) Advocate for states in national geospatial policy initiatives that support a national spatial data infrastructure.
Toward these objectives, NSGIC provides a number of valuable resources related to GIS coordination and policy that may be of interest to the Utah GIS Community.
While there's lots more to be found, here are 10 Highlights from the website:
- NSGIC 2013 Annual Conference, Kansas City MO October 27-31
- NSGIC blog
- NSGIC 2013 Advocacy Agenda, Local to national data roll-up projects
- NSGIC Topic/technical workgroups (many are open to non-members)
- Address Point publications: The need and best practices, Why Addresses are important and different than parcel data
- Aerial Photography, Authoritative projects vs. global services flyer
- Geospatial Maturity Assessment completed by each state
- GIS Data Sharing flyer, Best Practices
- NextGen 911 publications: Top Ten Takeaways, Working Smarter Together
- NSGIC member directory, query for GIS contacts by state