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General office information

Utah Geospatial Resource Center
Division of Technology Services
4th Floor
4315 South 2700 West
Taylorsville, UT 84129
Telephone: 801-538-3665
Office Email:
Office Hours: By appointment—We are teleworking and are ready to assist Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM Mountain Time
people sitting at a desk with a clock on the wall

Meet our team

UGRC social media

X is a low commitment social media tool that can be great for professional collaboration and sharing. It allows users to quickly search and scan recent posts for relevant information. UGRC posts to X using the handle @MapUtah. We post about achievements, GIS events, SGID modifications, and service outages as they happen. It is the best way to say in touch with UGRC.

UGRC would like to encourage Utah GIS and map users to both consume and contribute posts pertaining to anything GIS, mapping, or otherwise geospatial using the hash tag #utmap and following other UGRC-specific hashtags such as #ugrcporter (SGID changes) and #ugrcstatus (UGRC service outages).

Every X posts is duplicated to Facebook with the handle UtahAGRC if you would like to follow along there. We understand social media is not for everyone, so if you choose not to use these platforms, sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date.

social media

UGRC quarterly newsletter

UGRC combines all of the latest GIS news into a quarterly newsletter. If you work in the GIS industry, use our services, are are generally interested in GIS and mapping we encourage you to sign up

UGRC quarterly newsletter