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New Bicycle Facility GIS Data for the State - Help Us Keep it Up to Date!

Author · Stephanie Tomlin
Published · Jan 8, 2021
Last modified · May 2, 2024
Category · SGID Updates
Read time · 2 min

On Street Bike Lanes

During the summer of 2020, UDOT, WFRC and other transportation agencies evaluated every UGRC road centerline file segment (functional classification “Collector” and above) throughout the state for the presence and type of a bike facility. The evaluation used the most recent Google Streetview available to determine what bicycle facility type was present on each side of the road. As of the January, 2021 road update, that data is now appended to the SGID Road centerlines layer (see the Bike_L and Bike_R fields) and is available for planning or other uses!

This was a huge effort that required a lot of staff time, but it was worth it because we realize the value good data has in community planning. Moving forward we would like to ask all of you for help maintaining this data! It’s simple: let us know when a roadway in your community gets a new bike facility, or an existing facility gets an upgrade. To do this, simply fill out Active Transportation Bike Facility form, opens in a new tab. Don’t have a Google log-in? No problem, here is the same form, opens in a new tab without the log-in requirement.

We very much appreciate your help keeping this resource up-to-date and relevant for years to come! Please reach out to Stephanie Tomlin ( with any questions!