The planning data index
To view all planning data from stewards besides UGRC, search the SGID Index.
BLM Wilderness Study Areas for Utah
Polygon GIS data
All of the BLM Wilderness Study Area polygons.
Stewards: UGRC & BLM
Utah Conservation Districts
Polygon GIS data
Soil conservation district boundaries in Utah.
Steward: Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF)
Utah Conservation Zones
Polygon GIS data
Soil conservation zone boundaries in Utah.
Steward: Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF)
Utah Emergency Medical Services
Point GIS data
Locations of emergency medical services personnel and equipment in Utah.
Stewards: UGRC & DHHS & DEM
Utah GSL Sentinel Landscape Boundary
Polygon GIS data
The federally established boundary identifying the area of the Great Salt Lake Sentinel Landscape.
Steward: Department of Veterans Affairs
Utah Health Care Districts
Polygon GIS data
Health district boundaries corresponding to local health departments
Stewards: UGRC & DHHS & DEM
Utah Health Small Statistical Areas 2020
Polygon GIS data
Areas based on zip codes used by the Utah Department of Health and Human Services for statistical analysis and reporting.
Stewards: UGRC & DHHS & DEM
Utah Housing Unit Inventory
Polygon GIS data
A best-effort inventory of housing units in Utah's most populous counties using parcel, LIR, and county assessor data.
Stewards: UGRC & WFRC & MAG
Utah Multimodal Network Dataset
Line GIS data
An ESRI network dataset used to model auto, bike, pedestrian and transit networks.
Steward: UGRC
Utah USFS Roadless Inventory
Polygon GIS data
All the National Forest Inventoried Roadless Area (IRA) polygons.
Stewards: UGRC & USFS
Utah Water Related Land Use
Polygon GIS data
Water usage-related data (irrigated crops, phreatophytes, wet/open water areas, dry land agriculture and residential/industrial areas).
Steward: DNR DWRe
Utah Wetlands and Riparian Areas
Polygon GIS data
Wetland and riparian location and classification polygon map data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Wetlands Inventory (NWI).
Stewards: Utah Geological Survey & Utah Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Utah Wilderness Areas
Polygon GIS data
BLM and USFS wilderness areas of Utah.
Stewards: UGRC & BLM & NLCS
Utah Wilderness BLM 98 Reinventory
Polygon GIS data
The 1998 Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wilderness Characteristics Inventory.
Stewards: UGRC & BLM & USFS
Utah Wilderness BLM Suitability
Polygon GIS data
The WSAs or portions of WSAs that were recommended to Congress as suitable for wilderness designation.
Stewards: UGRC & BLM & USFS