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Utah Multimodal Network Dataset

Last update · Monthly

Category: Transportation Data Type: Line GIS data Steward: UGRC

The Multimodal Network Dataset is derived from the Utah Roads, the Trails and Pathways, and the UTA Routes datasets and is designed to be used for network analysis, including drive times, routes, and service areas for auto, bike, pedestrian, and transit along the Wasatch Front.

This dataset is updated monthly in conjunction with the Utah Roads update schedule.

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A closer look

The Multimodal Network dataset was originally developed as part of a 2018 FHWA-funded Multimodal Travelshed Project. The project, led by UDOT , opens in a new tab , was a pilot for measuring multimodal network connectivity , opens in a new tab . Other partners included WFRC , opens in a new tab , MAG , opens in a new tab , and UGRC.

This dataset also incorporates 2019 GTFS , opens in a new tab transit routes and stops. Additionally, ‘connector’ lines are created during the build process to provide the needed junctions.

Currently, the dataset is limited to the Wasatch Front region , opens in a new tab (Box Elder, Davis, Morgan, Tooele, Salt Lake, Utah, and Weber county). Furthermore, as part of the scope of the project, 50 sites , opens in a new tab were chosen where the data is optimized for multimodal connectivity (particularly the bike and pedestrian modes of travel). Pedestrian data was densified within a half mile , opens in a new tab of the sites and bike data was densified within 1 mile , opens in a new tab of the sites. In other words, your mileage may vary when you venture beyond these zones.

This dataset can also be used with ESRI's Network Analyst for routing and travel sheds , opens in a new tab .

Please visit this project’s GitHub repository , opens in a new tab to learn more about (or contribute to) the build process.

We hope to continue the project and expand the multimodal footprint beyond these original 50 sites. Please get in contact with us if you are interested in contributing or playing a role.

Please reach out to Michael Foulger from UGRC at | 801-652-2258 with questions about this dataset.

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