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SGID transportation data


The transportation data index

To view all transportation data from stewards besides UGRC, search the SGID Index.

Utah Airport Runways

Line GIS data

Airport and landing strip runway outlines.
Steward: UGRC

Utah Airports

Point GIS data

Airport locations across the state.
Steward: UGRC

Utah Freeway Exit Locations

Point GIS data

Exit locations along UDOT Routes.
Steward: Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT)

Utah Multimodal Network Dataset

Line GIS data

An ESRI network dataset used to model auto, bike, pedestrian and transit networks.
Steward: UGRC

Utah Railroad Mileposts

Point GIS data

A linear referencing system for the railroad lines in the state of Utah.
Steward: UGRC

Utah Railroads

Line GIS data

Rail tracks, including active and some abandoned lines, across the state.
Steward: UGRC

Utah Roads

Line GIS data

Statewide road centerline data for Utah.
Stewards: Local data stewards & UDOT & UGRC

Utah Street Network Dataset

Line GIS data

An ESRI network dataset used to model transportation networks.
Steward: UGRC

Utah Trailheads

Point GIS data

An in-progress collection of trail starting and access points.
Steward: UGRC

Utah Trails and Pathways

Line GIS data

Established trails and pathways in Utah.
Steward: UGRC

Utah UDOT Mile Reference Posts

Point GIS data

Physical milepost sign locations along Utah highways.
Steward: Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT)

Utah UDOT Routes ALRS

Line GIS data

Primary routes from UDOT's Roads and Highways advanced linear referencing system (ALRS).
Steward: Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT)