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Application portfolio highlights


UGRC has been building successful and innovative web, mobile, and desktop solutions for many years, developing a history and reputation for delivering high-quality, user-friendly, and reliable applications. We have a team of experienced developers who are passionate about creating solutions that solve real-world problems. Our portfolio includes applications that range from simple to complex and display our ability to work with modern web development, target mobile devices, and take advantage of AI with computer vision.

a person with a prototype on an easel and the app partially built on a phone

Roadkill reporter

The Roadkill Reporter native mobile app allows people to easily report dead animals on or near roads so that DWR , opens in a new tab and UDOT , opens in a new tab employees can remove them more quickly from highways and freeways.


This Android and iOS application was built using React Native , opens in a new tab and Expo , opens in a new tab .

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PLSS monument records

Section corners in the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) form the foundation for all descriptions of private property and public land boundaries in Utah. These descriptions all start from PLSS section corner markers, also known as monuments. If you've ever seen the legal description of a parcel, a subdivision plat, or even a service district or municipality, you may have noticed that the description always starts with a reference to a PLSS section corner. Keeping the correct, precise location of these corners accessible greatly reduces boundary discrepancies and disputes.

The Utah PLSS web application allows surveyors to submit monument record sheets electronically through a standardized form. The application then notifies the county of the submission and the data is reviewed and subsequently incorporated into the PLSS data.

Data Origination

Licensed land surveyors locate the section corner location and set the monument, typically by setting a brass cap. The surveyor also completes a formal monument record sheet (a.k.a. a 'tie sheet') that is submitted to the appropriate county and state entities that preserve the record. Field notes from the survey may also be part of the required record.

Monument Challenges and Threats

Each year hundreds of section corners that are used to determine property locations are in danger of being destroyed from land disturbances like new road projects, property development, and even conservation projects that rehabilitate vegetation after wild land and forest fires.

In addition, urban development is expanding into many areas in Utah that have not been surveyed since the early 1900's. Historically, it has been difficult to quickly identify and protect the section corners that may be impacted, while not slowing down the desired pace of development.

The PLSS web application helps alleviate these challenges by making PLSS data widely available and making it easy for surveyors to submit standardized data when setting or restoring section corner monuments.


We wrote this web application with React and UGRC Components , opens in a new tab and use the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript with Discover base maps for mapping. It also uses the UGRC API , opens in a new tab to auto-populate information based on location. It is deployed using GitHub Actions to the Google cloud and firebase.

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Atlas is a combination of many of the online services UGRC provides. It contains our most current Discover base maps and imagery and uses most of the UGRC Components , opens in a new tab . Clicking anywhere on the map makes HTTP requests to the UGRC Web API to reverse geocode, search for the city, county, land ownership, elevation, and US National Grid of the point clicked, which it displays in the left panel. For UGRC developers, Atlas is a code base to keep improving its usage of React and the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript. You can use the Atlas , opens in a new tab GitHub template as a starting point for your own web app that uses our data and services.

Watershed restoration initiative

The Watershed Restoration Initiative (WRI) is a partnership among state and federal government agencies, private and public landowners, and non-profit organizations for actively restoring and rehabilitating Utah's diverse landscape and waters to promote healthy and resilient ecosystem function and biodiversity. Projects are identified and implemented at the local level, where there is the most direct knowledge of both the challenges facing an area of need and the solutions to correct them. Five regional teams elect their own leaders; develop proposals across administrative boundaries; review, score and rank project proposals using a comprehensive prioritization score sheet; and assist their members with project implementation and management.

To facilitate this cooperative effort, we co-developed a web application with the Division of Technology Services (DTS) to track the lifecycle of projects, summarize program metrics, and enable participation from team members throughout the state. UGRC's development team was a natural fit for the application due to the spatial nature of WRI project data.

Project Highlights

The WRI application was the first project to match UGRC and DTS software engineers. UGRC built and integrated map functionality into DTS's Java forms-over-data application by incorporating browser-based, desktop GIS style spatial data editing and analysis with complex business and topology rules. The partnership among the Division of Wildlife Resources, DTS, and UGRC to build and deploy the application proved to be successful and award-winning , opens in a new tab .


This web application was written using Dojo. The mapping uses the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript with Discover base maps.

Environmental interactive map

One of the critical missions of the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) , opens in a new tab is to provide access to government records as conveniently as possible. The DEQ Interactive Map allows users to search for and download data related to sites regulated by DEQ. This application is used by a wide audience of citizens and professionals and has proven extremely valuable to DEQ in handling basic or intermediate environmental information requests.

The overall concept of the DEQ Interactive Map is to organize the data geographically and to integrate the data across divisions and programs. We designed the interface to allow searches by address, city, site name, DEQ program ID number or by zooming in to a location of interest on the map. It then displays the results on the map and provides access to site-specific details from DEQ programs.

Data Challenges

The main challenge for this project was trying to gather and standardize the wide variety of data sources so that they can be presented in a consistent manner within the application.


This web application was written using React. The mapping uses the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript with Discover base maps. It is deployed using GitHub Actions to the Google cloud and firebase.

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State parcel map

The parcel GIS data that UGRC standardizes are the most popular vector downloads on this website. The parcel viewer makes this data accessible to anyone with a web browser. In turn, it is one of the most popular web applications that we offer. Not every county has their own parcel viewing application, so this application fills in the gaps. When a county does have their own web application, the parcel viewer displays a link to it.

Data Origination

The county Recorders Offices create and maintain parcel data for their respective county. The counties share the parcel data with us on a schedule, and we standardize the data into a common schema across all 29 counties and make it available in the SGID.


Utah's 29 counties each handle handle parcel data in their own unique way. In order to create a statewide data set, UGRC ETL's the county data into a common schema with common fields.


This web application was written using React and UGRC Components , opens in a new tab . The mapping uses the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript with Discover base maps. It is deployed using GitHub Actions to the Google cloud and firebase.

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